How To Delay My Period For Vacation

How To Delay My Period For Vacation

How To Delay My Period For Vacation – If you’ve ever read a teen magazine, you’ve probably read a funny story about an unexpected moment. From spilling your whites in front of your crush to making your date’s room look like a murder scene after sex, habits can ruin your plans (even if they’re always good conversation later). Menstruation is normal and nothing to be ashamed of – that’s why everyone who has a period should wear a t-shirt around their waist to hide a clot at least once in their life. At the same time, however, we very much want to avoid ending up in Trauma! – a worthy story. So if you have a big holiday coming up, take a few minutes to plan ahead to manage your period.

Getting ready for the holidays doesn’t just involve throwing some tampons in your bag. Your exact plans will depend on where you will be vacationing and what you will be doing there. If you’re visiting a city – or visiting a small town where you can get a car – it’s easy to stop at the store and pick up anything you forgot. If you spend weeks hiking the Pacific Crest Trail like Cheryl Strayed in the Wild, that’s a different story.

How To Delay My Period For Vacation

How To Delay My Period For Vacation

Even if you haven’t completed your holiday routine, your preparations can help a friend. “You may not need them, but your spare tampons or pads may be safe for others,” says Jen Bell, who works with the long-term tracking program Clue.

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If you don’t track your period, download a period tracking app like Clue and start noting the start and end of your period – except for the days you have PMS. This way, you will know when your period might come.

However, remember that your period is more likely to be early or late on vacation. “Travel and stress can affect your circulation,” says Bell. So if your tracker shows your period starting two days after your vacation, plan it anyway if possible.

If you use hormonal birth control, such as the pill, patch, or ring, you can plan ahead to skip your period. If you’re on the pill, “skip the last week of the pill pack if you’re on a 28-day pack, or start a new pack right away if you’re on a seven-day pack,” Ball says. Also, with the patch or ring, you can apply or insert a new one after the old one is finished to skip your period.

“Medical studies have shown that there are no significant negative health effects from skipping periods using hormonal birth control,” they added. “However, you can have unpredictable bleeding, so it’s a good idea to pack underwear.”

How To Cope With Your Period On Vacation: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

Before you start packing, ask yourself a few questions about your trip: Where are you going and how long will you be there? How is your plumbing and drainage? How many rooms does your bag have? Can you wash clothes?

Carry enough of your favorite menstrual products (like tampons, pads, or a menstrual cup) to last you through your period, considering how easy they are to use and how much space they take up And think about all the points of your period, not only the blood. If you experience frequent cramps, carry some over-the-counter pain relievers. If your libido is always high, you can wear a small vibrator. You can even wrap it in chocolate if you like. “If you want special food at certain times of your cycle, why not snack?” the ball asked.

As for clothes, you don’t need to change anything except an extra pair of underwear. “Whether you’re cruising the backcountry or frolicking on the playa, you don’t have to let your mood dictate your outfit choices,” says Ball. However, if you’re worried about leaks, you can avoid wearing white or light shades – we’ve all heard the story of the white jeans era.

How To Delay My Period For Vacation

When you’re on vacation at the beach, you don’t need to change your normal menstrual routine, unless you use pads regularly. Using a tampon or menstrual cup will allow you to swim and wear a swimsuit more comfortably.

How To Stop Your Period Early: Short Term And Long Term Methods

If you are worried about leakage, you can choose a dark colored swimsuit. Throw a few extra tampons in your beach bag (if you use them), take some pain relievers in case you get cramping, find out where the toilets are and you should be good to go.

If you’re traveling and don’t want to make frequent bathroom stops, consider a menstrual product that you can wear for a long time without changing. You can leave the menstrual cup on for up to 12 hours. Absorbent underwear can be worn all day, alone or as a backup tampon, depending on the type of underwear and your routine. “When in doubt, you can always combine different products,” says Ball.

Getting your period while camping or hiking can be difficult because you may have limited access to the tube—and you’ll need to carry all your stuff in a bag. If you can’t find soap and water easily

Use hand sanitizer before and after changing your tampon or cup. “If there’s no place to wash your hands, you can wear nitrile or plastic gloves—they work in your first aid kit, but they mean a lot of waste,” Ball said. If you use a menstrual cup, you can wash it with drinking water or just wipe it with toilet paper and clean it with boiling water if you can later.

How To Delay Your Period Safely

Your period doesn’t have to ruin your vacation. Even if your clothes get spilled, don’t worry, most of us have been there! Now, throw on a straw hat and sunglasses—or hiking boots and a water bottle—and have fun.

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How To Delay My Period For Vacation

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How To Delay My Period For Vacation

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