Vacation Dog Killer Gif

Vacation Dog Killer Gif

Vacation Dog Killer Gif – Venice was built to confuse. The Italian floating city has few straight lines: Each cobblestone bends and changes color, buildings sag and there are small bridges on the sides. For tourists, it’s like entering a maze. Local residents are trying to help by drawing arrows on the wall. It should point to St. Mark’s Square, the most attractive part of the city, but sometimes the arrow also points in the opposite direction.

This beauty doesn’t matter. Somehow, as if by magic, everyone arrives in San Marco. Startled tourists emerged from a narrow corridor and suddenly found themselves standing at the edge of a large area with a 323-meter-high bell tower. To see the mystery from another perspective, many visitors take the elevator to the top of the tower. On the viewing platform, they can see the vast central waterways, churches and small, hidden squares using a coin-operated telescope.

Vacation Dog Killer Gif

Vacation Dog Killer Gif

But one afternoon in the summer of 1991, a well-dressed Italian man controlled a west-facing telescope, preventing anyone from seeing the wealthy neighborhoods of Dorsoduro, Santa Croce and San Polo in the distance. of the Grand Canal. Vincenzo Pipino was charming in the old Italian way, which shows that he was not very handsome. He had noticeable acne, a high forehead, and slicked back hair, but he looked scared, as if he owned the entire city. “In a way,” he said. He plundered most of the buildings he saw and caused many of them to be closed.

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To the southwest, at the entrance to the Grand Canal, is the Palazzo Barozzi, an impressive five-story Baroque building. Count Barozzi hired Pipino to steal works of art from his nobles, resulting in him amassing a magnificent art collection. Beside the canal, Ca’ Dario, a fifteenth-century marble-fronted palace, leans slightly to one side. The new owner occasionally buys a place and fills it with beautiful works of art, apparently not knowing that this building is cursed. Over the centuries most owners were killed, went mad, or went bankrupt after purchasing the property.

Finally, Pipino’s telescope image reached the home of a centuries-old palace on the far side of the Grand Canal. It has a walled garden; a remarkable sign of wealth in a city where every square inch of dry land is worth big money. He looked at the sky. It appears twelve meters above the secret passage. The brick facade will collapse and the roof tiles will collapse. The climb is dangerous but worth it: the building belonged to Raul Gardini, one of Italy’s richest men.

A few days later, Pipino passed through a narrow road. He has a brave attitude; he often wears a red velvet suit with white shoes or a white checkered jacket with a black tie. He intended to look like a decent person, not like a thief.

He walked down a corridor wider than his shoulders and through a tall, lacquered door. Small bronze figurines of African women are used as door handles. The road ends with a black door: the back door of the Gardini Palazzo. He rang the doorbell. Nobody answered. Called again – nothing happened.

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Pipino looked over his shoulder. Claudio, an old friend, followed him and now stood guard at the entrance to the corridor. Claudio was sharp-eyed and loyal, but as a caregiver he has a disability: He is hard of hearing. Sometimes (like now) it may seem foolish to trust a guard who is nearly deaf, but it’s hard to find someone you can trust. Pipino nodded several times before gaining Claudio’s attention. Claudio gave a thumbs up.

Pipino began to climb. Over the years, salt water from the Adriatic eroded the surface of Venice’s ancient buildings, leaving the bricks weathered and crumbled. The most damaging pieces are easy to avoid, but sometimes the strongest pieces cannot be trusted. As he approached the 40-meter-high roof, the pressure of his feet caused the brick to instantly fall. He stumbled for a moment; A fall from this height would be fatal. The brick fell onto the stone below and rolled down the corridor, clattering.

But Pipino has been measuring the dimensions of Venetian palazzos for more than three decades. Wooden shutters hang in the water, rusted and rotten. He is now used to danger. He took a deep breath, regained his composure, looked up, and began climbing again.

Vacation Dog Killer Gif

Pipino was influenced by his hometown even as a child in the 1950s. It’s a playground: no cars, boats everywhere, and plenty of places to hide. He is the eldest of five children and loves to lead his siblings on their journeys through the winding streets. He is close to his younger brother Alfredo, who shares the same desire to explore the crazy city. On hot days, they will wander around the neighborhood and swim in the canal together. Since they don’t have a car, they can hear the bells ringing on the other side of the city. The match was very important. During the Festa del Redentore, residents created a mile-long line of boats so anyone could travel across the rickety bridge to the outer island.

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But this city was also destroyed after the Second World War. The Italian economy was devastated by inflation and the boy’s father was having difficulty supporting the family. He was the captain of the ship and there were times when there was not enough food. When Pipino was 10 years old, he found a solution: grabbing a croissant from the table at a charming cafe in Piazza San Marco.

The police in the stadium were constantly following him. He liked this part. He ran through flocks of pigeons, causing his feathers to flutter and curse as the orchestra at the Cafe Florian played a waltz. He ran down Calle de la Canonica, jumped the eleven steps of the bridge to the Castello, and disappeared down the crowded street.

Alfredo cannot run like his brother, but he just wants to take over the city. One day, when he was nine years old, a red-bearded beggar begged him. Watch out, Alfredo is coming. The man had a lighter in his hand. He drew a line on the handle with a pencil. He snapped his fingers and one line became two lines. The man then took the money and retreated. Alfredo is shocked and begins to learn everything he can about the fraud.

The family supports Alfredo’s interest in magic, but dislikes Pipino’s theft. His mother warned him not to. He didn’t listen. When Pipino was thirteen, his mother decided to take a drastic step. He told her that he had escaped up the broken stairs of his neighbour’s house, impaled himself on an exposed nail and died there. Now, said her mother, this woman’s spirit haunts the stairs at night. The feet that caused the fall were shining in the dark and cursing the little boy who returned late. Pipino’s mother is called the ghost Gamba D’Oro – Golden leg.

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The idea of ​​the Golden Leg horrifies Pipino and Alfredo. The children said the ghost was a dream they had. Pipino developed a deep fear of the dark, ghosts, and especially the Goldenleg. This is a terrible thief of the night. But instead of letting that slow him down, he worked hard. He was forced to become a good thief because he was determined to work only during the day.

Pipino also began measuring the front of his family’s house to avoid stairs. He learned the art of climbing the ground with his fingers and developed a natural sense that bricks could easily be broken and touched. He became famous as a mountaineer by the age of fifteen. Every time a famous film arrives at the Teatro Malibran, Pipino climbs the smooth stones of the Baroque exterior and falls through the open window. He entered the theatre, opened the back door and set up an “other” ticket booth, selling discounted tickets to local children who couldn’t afford them.

As an adult child, Alfredo admired his brother’s actions but did not forgive the crime. As Pipino becomes more involved in fraud, Alfredo develops a talent for sleight of hand. Two brothers are gifted with the art of deception, but their goals are different. “I was born to be a magician,” Alfredo said. “Vincenzo was born a thief.”

Vacation Dog Killer Gif

Pipino entered the roof of the Gardini Palazzo. He was now forty-seven years old and walked carefully. He stepped into the alcove between the rows of tiles, carefully distributing his weight. He knew that one mistake could lead to red and brown soil.

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When he reached the window he had seen from the bell tower of San Marco, it was locked, as he expected. But the wooden frame was old, the inside was damaged

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